Over the counter (OTC) hearing aids are devices that can be purchased without a prescription or professional fitting. They are designed to help people with mild to moderate hearing loss, typically associated with aging, and can be found in drug stores or online. OTC hearing aids are not the same as Personal Sound Amplification Products (PSAPs). While both devices amplify sounds, PSAPs are not intended to treat hearing loss, and their use is not regulated by the FDA.

The Long, Winding Road to OTC Hearing Aids

Hearing aids can be expensive, and insurance plans usually don’t cover them. Even if you can afford them, getting hearing aids can be tricky because you need to see a licensed hearing professional and get a prescription. This can mean multiple trips to the audiologist and annual check-ups, which can be hard to manage.

The FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 aimed to make things easier by creating a new category of over-the-counter hearing aids that people with mild to moderate hearing loss could set up and adjust on their own. These hearing aids would be cheaper and more accessible than traditional hearing aids, and proponents of the law believed that they would benefit patients and the healthcare system.

The FDA took a while to create guidelines for this new category of hearing aids. The original law stated that proposed regulations should be presented within three years of enactment, but this deadline was missed due to bureaucracy and the pandemic. It wasn’t until July 2021 that an executive order revived the process, and guidelines were finally proposed in October 2021. After stakeholders had their say during an open comments period, the FDA released its ruling on August 16, 2022. These guidelines took effect in mid-October of 2022, meaning that official OTC hearing aids are finally available for sale.

Now that they are available at your local Best Buy, are they right for you? Let’s take a closer look.

OTC Hearing Aids: The Good and the Bad

One of the main benefits of OTC hearing aids is convenience. You can purchase them without the need for an appointment with a hearing professional. They are also cost-effective compared to prescription hearing aids, which can cost thousands of dollars. Additionally, they can be helpful for people who may not have access to hearing professionals due to location or financial constraints.

Another benefit of OTC hearing aids is that they are suitable for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss. They can help improve the quality of life for those who have difficulty following conversations or hearing sounds like the doorbell or telephone ringing.

However, OTC hearing aids are not suitable for everyone. They are not recommended for children or individuals with severe or profound hearing loss. Additionally, people who cannot communicate or make medical decisions should not use OTC hearing aids as they need a hearing professional to ensure they receive the correct diagnosis and treatment.

Another limitation of OTC hearing aids is that they do not address the underlying causes of hearing loss. While hearing aids can help amplify sounds, they do not treat the underlying condition causing the hearing loss. Therefore, it is essential to see a hearing professional to diagnose and treat any underlying hearing loss.

Who They Are Good For

Individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss who prioritize convenience and cost-effectiveness can benefit from OTC hearing aids. They are also suitable for people on a limited budget who may not be able to afford prescription hearing aids.

However, children, individuals with severe or profound hearing loss, and those who cannot communicate or make medical decisions should avoid using OTC hearing aids. They need the expertise of a hearing professional to ensure they receive the correct diagnosis and treatment.

OTC hearing aids are a viable option for individuals with mild to moderate hearing loss who prioritize convenience and cost-effectiveness. However, they are not suitable for everyone, and it is essential to see a hearing professional to diagnose and treat any underlying hearing loss. By seeking professional guidance, you can receive a proper diagnosis and treatment, which will ultimately improve your quality of life.

At our hearing practice, our hearing professionals are committed to providing the best care and treatment options for our patients. We encourage you to visit us for a consultation to see if OTC hearing aids or other hearing solutions are right for you. Don’t let hearing loss impact your life any longer; take the first step towards better hearing today.